Monday, December 21, 2009

Council President Thomas Bows Out

Monona City council president Kathy Thomas has decided not to seek reelection to the city council and has filed her declaration of noncandidacy. (GAB-163 Notification of Noncandidacy). I would have lost a lot of money betting on that. I'm nonplussed. It is hard to picture the Monona city council without Kathy.

Say 'thanks' if you see her around town. I'll say it now: Thank you for all your years of service. How many meetings was that? Three thousand or so?


At present there are three candidates for three seats: Jeff Wiswell, Dennis Kugle, and Randy Parvin. We could use another candidate; walkovers are not good for anyone. A lot of people are asking: What about Chad? Chad Speight is not running.

You can find papers for Local Offices at the state GAB Elections Division web site.



1582 (n.), properly "state where 'nothing more' can be done or said," from L. non plus "no more, no further." The verb meaning "to bring to a nonplus, to perplex" is attested from 1591.

"nonplussed." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 21 Dec. 2009.


  1. Too bad about Chad - he would be head and shoulders above any of the other candidates.

  2. Can we get that guy Ben who spoke at the Progressive Monona picnic to run? Or how about Travis who blogs in here a lot. Do they know the amount of progressive energy out here in the streets that would support them?

  3. That would Ben Redding and Travis Youman. Each of them would be excellent.


  4. and/or Heather Gates, Bob Miller,Peter McKeever,and why not Chad!

    More progressive, less stop signs & fines to pay for them!

  5. I'd love to do it, but my current travel schedule for my job doesn't leave much room for council meetings. Thanks for thinking of me, Anonymous.

  6. "he would be head and shoulders above any of the other candidates."

    I know all three candidates and they all use head and shoulders-please get your facts straight.

  7. I like some of the anonymous posters too. Can we just check the bank space on the ballot, or do we actually have to write anonymous to elect them.

  8. How about all city council meetings to be conducted through anonymous twitter feeds?

  9. Is Kathy bowing out to run for school board? She has always threatened to do that.

  10. "Threatened"? You mean "promised"?


    I have not asked her, but I really doubt it.

  11. Somebody submitted a comment here that I am not posting. I am noting it because they went to a lot of effort in writing the comment, but it involves a rumor that Alder Thomas plans to run for school board and then a bunch of speculation based on that rumor.

  12. It is not a rumor.

  13. Well, once it be comes an official non-rumor, or if it does, then I will post the comment.

  14. I wish the school thing would settle down and unless Kathy T. presented herself as a candiate of peace (Jimmy Carter type not Obama/Jame K. Polk type) I ain't interested in walking across the street for her. I might he be forced to vote for Peter-now that would be monumental.
