In response to pedestrian safety concerns recently expressed at phase 2 public information meeting, the City of Madison has proposed and Dane County and City of Monona have concurred. Hoo-ray for intergovernmental cooperation and comity!
The concern related to crossing Monona Drive on foot at Cottage Grove Road and whether the walk light allowed enough time to get across. A review of the signal operation revealed that the timing is adequate (using the standard four ft/sec.), but problems stem from confusion about the meaning of the signals (the WALK indicator is not intended to get a pedestrian across an intersection. Rather it is the flashing DON’T WALK signal time that provides for that.)
Madison relates that they have installed countdown pedestrian signals that show the pedestrian how much time remains to cross the street—it counts down the flashing don’t walk phase. Madison estimates that this leg could be configured with a countdown ped signal/timer for approximate $800-1000 (If the signal heads need to be replaced the cost would increase an additional $200.). This improvement can be implemented as a short-term fix before the 2011 project.
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