Enough with the badgering already! The ban on anonymous posts on Monona Doug is gone, done, fin. Feel free to post your chicken-hearted anonymous comments. And I write that with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. Of course, I reserve the right to change the rules at anytime and to censor, edit, or delete comments for any reason or no reason whatsoever! Bwah-ha-ha-ha.
Thanks to the The Amateur Gourmet for the photo. And here are their views on comments:
"I think of comments like guests at a dinner party: If someone said this at a dinner party would I kick them out? Those are the comments I delete. Also ones that insult the physical appearance of friends and family. Sometimes people leave comments on my blog and I feel it's as if they not only said something rude at a dinner party but they climbed on the table and took a dump."