Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Job Opening

As you may know, Dale Suslick resigned as a Monona alder on Monday. The council established its process to select an interim alder. The interim alder will serve until the Spring election when a new alder will be chosen to serve the remaining year.

Here's the process:

Get the questions from the city clerk. The council, working from a draft by Alder Peter McKeever, adopted five questions that we will pose to each candidate. Candidates may provide answers in writing - and I would recommend it as some alders indicated a strong interest in seeing the written word.

Submit a written application to the city clerk stating your interest in being appointed as interim alder. Deadline is Friday, October 26.

The council will meet with the applicants in a committee-of-the-whole on Monday, October 29. The Five Questions will be posed and the answers considered.

The council will select the interim alder on Monday, November 5.

The Questions:

1. Why are you interested in serving on the Monona Common Council?
2. The next six months will be a busy time with regular meetings as well as special budget meetings. Will the necessary time commitments cause you any problems?
3. What relevant experience and skills do you think you have that would be beneficial to the city?
4. Do you intend to run for election at the spring 2008 election?
5. What would you hope to accomplish on the council? What goals or objectives would you have for your time on the Monona common council?


  1. Will the appointee serve until the spring election 2008 or through the remainder of Dale's term until the 2009 election, as is stated on the City of Monona website????

  2. I must tell you that I agree with Sunny. Why insert a lame duck alderperson?

    Is this too ensure current alderperson will not be challenged?

  3. No, the posting on the web site is wrong - I've asked for a correction and thanks for pointing it out. The seat will be up for election in 2008 for the remaining year of the term.

    Q: "Is this too ensure current alderperson will not be challenged?"

    A: Oh, for crying out loud, we are trying to do what we think is best for the community and are not engaging in Machiavellian tactics.

    I would prefer not to appoint someone who is going to run in 2008 because our appointment could then be seen and used as a de facto endorsement and give that person an unfair leg up.

    All that being said, how about we wait and see who applies, huh?

  4. I do not think it is bad to debate this point - do you appoint someone who will run or not. It matters. I also know that at least one alder is calling people to recruit them, so the council is not just sitting back and "seeing who applies." I don't think the recruitment is bad, I think it's good, but it's not exactly accurate to make it seem as though the council is taking a passive role in who applies. All of this stated, I urge you to pick someone who is not going to run for the reason you have stated. The people should pick their own representative and the council should not bestow incumbency upon someone. Personally, I don't think you should fill the seat at all. Dale hasn't been active for a time now anyway, you can just continue how it has been.

  5. I can't control what my colleagues do, much as I may want to at times. ;>

  6. This has got me thinking...again.

    Since we own Garden Circle can we think BIG and use forward thinking?
    I recall you writing about buying that property and how it could mean grand things for our city...for a moment you almost inspired me.

    What is in store?
    As I am a similar thinker to you?


    I know a whole slough of people are not happy about Dale---right now. But his campign stroke a chord with me...

    What is our purple cow? I have heard we may put ...another senior housing facility on that site. I am not against seniors....as well I hope to be one.

    Yet, this tune is looking mighty tired.

    If this is true-I hope it is not the future. Heck, let us put in the trailer park area two.

    Please, please Doug give us all hope-tying this comment to the thread: put someone on the council with....a vision not just wellling to go along to get along...accepting things just cause it is the easy path...build a city that glimmers on the hill (or something like that).

  7. How about tearing out the whole area from panther south to frost woods (including garden circle but excluding the new frost woods commons) and building a two block retail oriented "downtown" on a new sidestreet one half block west of Monona Drive, sort of like middleton has? Get the businesses off Monona drive so that it is safer and easier to access them while Monona drive remains a through street.
