Saturday, July 30, 2011

Always Take Your Camera!

Always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera, always take your camera.

I learned this lesson  -again - last evening. Before leaving home for a bike ride on the Cap City Trail, I says to myself, "Self, should we take the camera with?". And, Self, the big dope, says, "Ohhhh, nooooo. What could we possibly see on the Cap City Trail that we haven't seen before?". "Quite right", quoth I. Camera remains hanging in the closet.

So, then on my way back, as I'm approaching the Lake Farm Park campground, I look up and see a gaggle of geese, large geese, really large geese. But they weren't geese, were they? Noooo! They were eleven Sandhill Cranes, followed a few hundred yards later by four more. Now that would have warranted a digitally-enhanced image or two.

But, no camera, no photos, just a dumb post.

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