Friday, January 14, 2011

Randomizer: Ask a Question

Some whiner - err, reader - asked me to post random question time again. So here it is. Ask away. Do your wurst.

(JK about the whiner thingy.)

Golly Bill, that's an ornery ole scutter!

Is raad really an electric catfish?? Apparently so. That's so totally raad.

Now look what you started.


  1. If Wiswell loses the mayoral race, does he retain his seat as an alderman? What happens if he wins?

  2. So what is your campaign plan?

  3. "If Wiswell loses the mayoral race, does he retain his seat as an alderman? What happens if he wins?"

    Yes, he would keep his seat as an alder if he loses. If he wins, he would resign his aldermanic seat. I believe the remaining members of the the council would have a choice to appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the term (one year) or hold a special election. I expect there would be a special election.

  4. "So what is your campaign plan?"

    A plan? Wait a minute, nobody said anything about a plan.

    I haven't given it a ton of thought, but it will probably be pretty similar to prior runs.

    You have any inspired ideas?

  5. OK, I have a question. Why is Sunny calling "liberal" instead of "uber-liberal"?

  6. "You have any inspired ideas?"

    MONONA BREW-PUB!!!!!! You should absolutely make bringing a brew-pub to Monona your central campaign issue. Either that or the Lake Monona Tunnel, but that might be a bit harder to get funding for in the current political climate.

  7. I noticed that a number of apartments are placing their recycle bins in the bike lane on Monona Drive. Is this where they are suppose to go?

  8. in the past, you have introduced legislation that was a bit partisan when you were up for election, ie chickens, health insurance and etc. What is on tap for this spring?

  9. "MONONA BREW-PUB!!!!!!...Either that or the Lake Monona Tunnel, but that might be a bit harder to get funding..."

    How about a brew pub in the tunnel? We could get some of that train money - what's that you say, it went where?

  10. "In the past, you have introduced legislation that was a bit partisan when you were up for election, ie chickens, [domestic partner] health insurance...What is on tap for this spring?"

    Health insurance for chickens? (the city would have to waive residency requirements)

    I dunno, I'm always open to suggestion. Got any ideas?

    I actually don't consciously think up hot button issues to campaign on (I don't know why I even bother to say that). If I am doing it subconsciously, I need to do a better job picking my issues.

    Being known as the chicken guy was not really a winning image. OTOH, the domestic partner insurance proposal had wide and deep support.

    In reality, the 2007 domestic partner insurance proposal was spurred by a desire to do *something* after the awful November 2006 vote that enshrined bigotry in our state constitution.

    I made the chicken proposal after a number of people (here on the blog and in Real World) persistently asked for it. I thought it was a good proposal, but it wasn't a burning issue for me.

    BTW, I sponsored the Iraq War referendum in 2006 (i.e. when I was *not* running for re-election). That was after residents had gathered some 700 or 800 signatures to get the issue on the ballot, but the petition was ruled technically invalid. I thought they deserved to have the question on the ballot. And I thought it was a good way to demonstrate public opposition to an incredibly ill-conceived war.

    For 2011? Well, the Ped & Bike Safety Committee is supposed to have its report/recommendations on Winnequah Road back to the council in March. If the recommendations include a sidewalk along Winnequah Road (between Maywood and Bridge), that would likely get people's attention. It's not partisan (is it??) and the timing is not of my making, so it doesn't fit the question, but there it is (maybe).

  11. "I noticed that a number of apartments are placing their recycle bins in the bike lane on Monona Drive. Is this where they are suppose to go?"


    Where exactly is this happening?

  12. "
    Where exactly is this happening? "

    I think it is on Thru's. It is on the East Side just North of Ken's. I hate being a rat, but it strikes me as a safety issue at a number levels.

  13. "It is on the East Side just North of Ken's. I hate being a rat, but it strikes me as a safety issue at a number levels."

    That's not safe. I'll pass this info along to city staff.

  14. A serious question: Do the Bears still suck?

  15. "A serious question: Do the Bears still suck?"

    Yes. I will explain this phenonmenon more completely answer in separate post. I'm glad you asked that question because some people are confused by the Bears success. The basis of the Bears suckitude is not on-the-field performance, but rather goes to the essence of what it means to be a Bears player or, much worse, a Bears fan.

  16. "in the past, you have introduced legislation that was a bit partisan when you were up for election, ie chickens, health insurance and etc. What is on tap for this spring?"

    I would dispute with Mr. or Ms. Anonymous that these are partisan issues. Do not Uber-Conservatives sometimes raise chickens, need health insurance, "etc?" I have a problem with basic human needs for food and health care being painted as partisan. Isn't it that kind of categorizing what helps make the US so divisive?

    How about framing it like this: Since the alders were too chicken to vote to allow citizens to openly have chickens, what other steps can the city of Monona take to increase food security in Monona?

    What can the city of Monona do to assist in making a better health care system? Is there anything that can be done from the city level?
