Sunday, December 19, 2010

Must Read Story in JS Online

There is an amazing story in today's Milwaukee JS about a little boy with a literally unique illness. "When he ate, painful holes called fistulas would open, leading from his intestine to his skin." There was a story in yesterday's paper about the use of gene testing to figure what was happening and how to treat it.

The Milwaukee JS is running a three-part series.

Jake Anderson sent along word this morning that the little boy lives in Monona (when he's not in the hospital). (The story didn't mention the family's residence, but the Nic Volker Club Facebook page lists his location as Monona. Based on that  felt OK stating the residence here.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Doug,

    Yes, this family lives in Monona. I met them at the beginning of Nic's disease when they visited a house I had listed for sale.

    They are an amazing family who've lived through so much more than this story can really convey, with much heartache caused by people who were quick to judge without knowing what was going on.

    Keep them in your prayers!

    Cari Fuss
