Sunday, November 08, 2009

Monona Committee Stuff

The Monona Plan Commission meets on Monday, November 9 at 7 p.m. and will take up the Aldo Leopold Nature Center's proposed 8,084 square-foot addition to the Center’s Educational Facilities at 300 Femrite Drive. In its application, the ALNC stated:

The Center’s service has grown from 7,000 students in its first year, to over 33,000 annually.

The addition is required to support this growing demand for educational programs and services at the Center. The project is comprised of 8,084 gross square feet of new construction contiguous to the existing building, and 982 gross square feet of renovated space. The addition, designed by The Kubala Washatko Architects, is planned to be LEED certified and a net-zero energy building – a stellar example of innovation and sustainable living. The addition will house new educational space and will allow for interactive programming, presentations and improved visitor flow. It will feature environmentally-sensitive, energy efficient and recycled materials, as well as alternative energy technologies.

ALNC Application Letter (Nov 9).pdf

The Monona Park and Recreation Board will meet on Tuesday, November 10 at 6 p.m. to consider:

  1. Lake Access/Boat Launch Ordinance Change"; and
  2. Park & Open Space Plan; and
  3. Fireman’s Park Bathroom Capital Project; and
  4. Winnequah Lagoon Treatment – Aquafix; and
  5. Schluter Beach Capital Project

Lake Access/Boat Launch Ordinance to make a permit necessary year long instead of seasonal. This change would be consistent with Dane County/City of Madison ordinances that we share a partnership for offering Lake Access Permits. The board discussed and thought it was a good idea, but would like to include the language for hours at Lottes to 1 hour before sunrise for early morning fisherman.

Staff recommendation on Fireman’s Park Bathroom replacement
- Upgrade electrical to 200 amp service
- Move bathroom closer to the shelter.
- Architecture to look similar to Ahuska/Dream Park Shelters to keep a consistency among Monona Park Shelters/Bathrooms
- ADA Accessible bathrooms and walking path from parking lot to bathroom and bathroom to shelter
- Water fountain on outside with wall pack lighting
- Mechanical room large enough for storage for Youth Sports to store equipment
- All equipment be vandal resistant or stainless steel construction
- Motion activated lighting and motion activated soap dispenser and hand dryers, no paper towels

Lagoon Treatment: Last month, Kevin Ripp – Aquafix - made an appearance to request to use the Winnequah Lagoon as a test area for a product his company uses to reduce the sludge/sediment on the bottom of the lagoon. Aquaxfix would create a bacteria that would eat the sediment.

Schluter Beach. The 2009 Capital Budget had $25,000 allocated to make repairs at Schluter Beach. During the 2010-2014 Capital Budget, there was an amendment to put in additional funding to make major changes to the Schluter Beach bath house. Does the committee still want to proceed with the repairs of Schluter Beach now, or wait until 2014. Pictures of current condition will be available in a power point at the meeting.


The License Review Committee also meets on Tuesday (at 4 p.m.) to consider Walgreen's proposal for a license to sell liquor and beer.

The Public Safety Commission meets on Wednesday November 11 at 7 p.m. to review the draft Monona Residential Traffic Management Program and to discuss "South Winnequah Road Pedestrian and Biking Safety Issues".

RTMP Final Draft 11-11-09

The NTMP Summary is an excellent review from Boulder, Colorado of the main issues arise in developing a program for citizen input on solutions to traffic-related problems.

PSC Agenda 11-11-09

1 comment:

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