Saturday, November 07, 2009

Cracking a Thousand

So yesterday, Friday, November 6, 2009 for the record, I passed the one-thousand mile mark in commuting by bike this year, which tops my previous year bike commuting total by about, oh, a thousand miles (I did occasionally bike to work back when my office was downtown, but that was long ago it doesn't really count. How long ago? Put it this way, Kevin Brunner was our city administrator.).

Bragging? Yeah.

But it saves money. And it saves a bunch of other stuff: True Cost of Driving. Yes, I'm saving the planet - you can thank me now by sending cash (That's a joke. Never send cash in the mail). And then there's the lost pounds and the feeling better and the staying off the Beltline.

I'm guessing there are a bunch of other folks who bicycle-commuted at least a thousand miles this year. I can think of at least three right here in Monona. But this is my first time and it's not their blog, so they shall go unnamed. Ha!

But will they ever invent a bike helmet that doesn't make you look like a doofus? Or did Mike sell me a helmet that's size too small for my melon?


A thousand miles? That's good, but not as good as the One Thousand Reasons web site.


  1. I don't think they make bike helmets that big...

    -your buddy

  2. Don't you have something better to do with your time?
