Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monona City Council Report

It was a long frustrating meeting, so here's the quick scoop of....news.

We meet again in one week, October 19.

The council approved:

Resolution 09-09-1650 Approval to Initiate Monona Drive Façade Improvement Program; and

Resolution 09-10-1656 Directing Staff to Prepare Grant Applications for Energy Efficient Equipment; and

Resolution 09-10-1658 Providing for the Sale of $3,400,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes (for the Monona Drive project); and

Resolution 09-10-1659 Providing for the Sale of $1,325,000 Taxable Note Anticipation Notes (TIF Payment to MSP for the Owen Road development).

Discussed without acting on the Resolution 09-10-1655 Supporting the Office of Energy Independence “25 x 25” Goal and Declaring Monona a Wisconsin Energy Independent Community. I think it is entirely possible that this resolution will pass with some minor adjustments in language. Passage of this resolutionor something very much like it will greatly improve our chances of getting the energy block grants.

Discussed ad infinitum the resolution to reduce the planned width of the Monona Drive sidewalk from 8 feet to 6 feet (Alderman Thomas, Alderman Kugle). Stay tuned for yet another discussion next Monday. In my frustration at having to spend time (and a lot of time) reconsidering this issue, I was not very articulate about the merits of the proposal. Others did a much better job and I hope to post their thoughts later.


  1. Doug-
    It seems to me this is a Robert Rules of Order problem, right?

  2. Doug--

    C'mon! I was not able to attend or watch the meeting- I am totally interested in the great sidewalk debate and I look forward to your take on things. What happened and what do you think????

  3. HP - technically this isn't a RRoO problem since Ald. Kugle changed his mind which would change it it 4-2 based on previous voting records.

  4. Got it-I did not know the Kugle Konnection.

    It seems the sidewalk issue has been for all practical purposes been Mononaed (kind like chickens.
