Saturday, September 26, 2009

High-Speed Passenger Trains - Work of Satan?

From a copyrighted document by MC Halberg, "Railroads in North America":

In about 1830 the Lancaster, Ohio Board of Education was asked to permit the use of its schoolhouse for a debate on the practicability of railroads. Here is a record from the minutes of the Board’s meeting:

You are welcome to use the school room to debate all proper questions in, but such things as railroads and telegraphs are impossibilities and rank infidelity. There is nothing in the word of God about them. If God had designated that His intelligent creatures should travel at the frightful speed of 15 miles an hour, He would have foretold it through his holy prophets. It is a device of Satan to lead immortal souls down to Hell.

More at Halberg's web site.

Does this explain tea-baggers opposition to high-speed passenger service?


  1. History repeats itself, at least as far as the California High-Speed Rail Authority is concerned.

  2. The road to hell is paved with railroad ties??
