Saturday, March 07, 2009

Public Safety to Review Keeping Chickens on March 10

The Monona Public Safety Commission has scheduled a special meeting at 5 PM on March 10 at the direction of chair Jeffrey Wiswell, Sr. to consider the proposed ordinance on chicken keeping.

Public input is invited. Show up and speak up. Be concise and nice, but don't be intimidated or cowed (notice how I am avoiding the pun that is just screaming to be said?).

Tuesday – March 10, 2009
5:00 P.M.

This is a classic good news, bad news scenario. Glad to see they are taking it up, but the meeting was not scheduled until Friday, March 6.

Lest you think Alder Wiswell is trying to undermine the chicken keeping ordinance, I can report that he routinely moves meetings from their normal meeting date and then reschedules meetings at the 'last minute'. I have repeatedly expressed to him that this pattern is unfair to the public and committee members to no avail.


  1. So cannot the council simply pass a policy on changing the dates of committee meetings? I know there are state laws about open meetngs, etc., but can't the council pass it's own policy that is stricter than the state laws? Like mayb you can't reschedule a meeting with less than 7 days notice without prior approval of, say, the mayor and the council president? It is ridiculous that Wiswell is allowed to routinely do this and it mocks the spirit of open government.

  2. Leave Wiswell alone! At least he has a clue........

  3. I wouldn't know what he "has a clue" about or not. That's not the point. This is inappropriate regardless of whom the council member is that is pulling this nonsense. Public meetings need to stick to a regular schedule so citizens know what to expect. Elected officials shouldn't routinely reschedule things to suit your own needs. Even if it's not politically motivated, it still looks like he does this to shut down public participation. When you run for office you commit to the meeting schedule. If your personal life cannot accommodate a regular schedule, you don't seek office. I do not understand why the mayor and the rest of the council allow it.

  4. Probably because the mayor and the rest of the council do it too.

  5. Wiswell "has a clue?!" Don't get me started...

  6. "Probably because the mayor and the rest of the council do it too."

    Not accurate. We occasionally schedule meetings on short notice for a specific need, but not as standard op. procedure.

  7. Wiswell has clue about people, monona and whole bunch of other things.

    I can not attest to Doug's comment about the way he reschedules meetings. However, I served a city committee for about 5 years and it was rescheduled so many times that it made my head spin. The result was I tended to miss a fair amount of them.
