Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sewer Interceptor Damaged

Just got this from city engineer Rich Vela:

This afternoon, the MMSD interceptor line was hit by a geotechnical drill rig in the vicinity of 4031 Monona Drive. Efforts are underway to control the flow of the wastewater and arrangements are being made for the repair of the pipe by MMSD. During this time, the traffic on Monona Drive north of Buckeye Road will be reduced to one lane in each direction, with both travel lanes pushed to the east side of the road. The two lanes on the west side of the road will be closed down.


  1. Holy cow. Now they are closing down this section of the drive starting tomorrow? This seems to be turning into quite the project. Is this all from the drill rig punching through the sewer line? In a former life, I used to do a lot of soil borings and we inevitably hit stuff because things sometimes are mis-marked. My company hit sewer, water, gas - you name it, and thank goodness we never had it turn into such a huge affair. Did they maybe find some other problems when they started digging? Or was it just a really bad place to have this happen?

  2. You ask a lot of questions....and you've had a lot of jobs.

    Definitely a bad place for it to happen and this is one of MMSD's main transmission pipes. I know what you mean about hitting a 'surprise!' I'd think that the MMSD interceptor main would be well-marked.
