Monday, August 18, 2008

Support the Troops - and Foreclose on Their Mortgages

The treatment of our military veterans is too often a disgrace. Here's another example: banks foreclosing on the mortgages of active service men and women while they are on duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act this kind of thing is illegal.

Lenders, Service Members Clash Over Law

Here's a link to The Army Times story about delays in processing disabled soldiers.

An ABC story about brain-injured soldiers being determined to be 'partially disabled'.

ABC News: How the Military Repaid Disabled Vets

I really don't get it. I opposed the Iraq war from the beginning and worry that Afghanistan may become Obama's quagmire, but so what. These people put their life on the line wearing a USA uniform and our government should be taking care of them.


  1. The government belongs to those who can pay the election costs of those who seek power.
    The insurance companies find it cheaper to work with private contractors, like Blackwater, than suffer the losses of military volunteers. The market economy which President Bush encourages to shop while others serve, has no compassion, only self-interest.
    I also petitioned against the Iraq and Afghanistan adventures, but I cannot affort to buy the lobbyists it takes to influence policy.
    The compassionate conservative is a slogan of marketeers, not a phrase of understanding.
    Neither Obama or McCain can alter this, nor do they offer an alternative.
    Our schools are not preparing our youngsters to avoid the sham patriotism of military recruiters.
    The circle is unbroken, as Johnny Cash has told us.

  2. Aside from being wrong, however, it does not seem that maltreatment of vets should be anything other than a big political negative, but it is not an issue that gets much attention.
