Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Library Sets Sustainability Example

In case you missed the piece in last week's Herald-Independent by Monona library board president Andrew Taylor, here is a link:

Sustainability and savings at the library

Some highlights from Andrew's letter:

What does sustainability have to do with books, city budgets, and community opportunities for kids and families? A lot, as it turns out. Just take a look at the Monona Public Library, where all of the above come together every day.


As president of the Monona Public Library Board, I have been exceptionally proud of our library's leadership and staff in juggling these challenges with innovation and resolve. In the past year, Library Director Demita Gerber and her fabulous team have taken dozens of steps to save energy and cut costs - adding up to thousands of dollars in savings. These changes have included:

• Rethinking and reprogramming the way they heat and cool the building - ensuring areas not currently in use aren't heated or cooled as much;

• Replacing faulty equipment and renewing service contracts to ensure that systems are running efficiently and effectively (replacing air filters frequently, for example, saves more than enough in energy to cover the cost);

• Chasing down leaks in the plumbing system to control water waste;

• Adjusting the timing and intensity of lighting inside and out;

• Turning computers and other equipment off when not in use;

• Engaging the whole staff (and our patrons too) in the task.


So, the next time you're checking out a book, browsing the Internet on a library computer, getting advice or insight from a local librarian, or singing along with your kids at a library event, take a moment to thank sustainable practice (and exceptional staff) for supporting, in part, your library experience.


  1. Speaking of sustainability-
    I have dropped the chicken idea.

    Mother hen did not like it nor my chicks.

    So-I am off to new idea.

    Dexter Cattle-they are small compact...and tasty.
    Do you think I could keep it out back with no one noticing from the city.

    Henny Penny

  2. The chicken idea may still have legs (drumsticks?).

    You keep Dexter in your basement and you are good to go.
