Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Hickory Lanes Clean- Up Procedures

The Monona city staff prepared a report on the former Hickory Lane mobile home park and the procedures for removing the trailer homes, removing debris, mowing the grass, and generally cleaning up the area.

The process will take at least 4 months to complete and has multiple tracks, some of which can be pursued simultaneously. The costs are charged against the property owner as a special charge on their property tax bill.

The full document is available here: Hickory Lane - Update.pdf


  1. what is the cost on a piece of property such as this? could this be purchased and turned into a park? I know that "worth now" and "worth 2 years ago" are two completely different numbers, but I'd love to see some options other than bull-doze and put up condominiums...

  2. According to AccessDane, the parcel is assessed at $472,500.

  3. Say, what is going on across the street where an old gas station sat?

  4. If I know where you mean, then I think that is just construction staging for the street work in the neighborhood.

  5. Thank you for posting this Doug. Travis has brought up what I have thought all along. I wish the owners of the park had chosen to leave a legacy in turning the property over to Monona to use as a park to be added to the Lottes Park. Now that would have been a gift to the community. It is interesting that they left it to UW Platteville.

    I took a gander at the AccessDane and noticed that the improvements value never went down after only 28 of the 42 homes are left and the homes, according to the city, have no value.

    It is also interesting that the acreage on AccessDane's record has decreased. It had been 3.1 acres just last fall and when this all began in 2005. Now it reads 1.342 acres. Where did the other acres go?

    I would sure hope that the property could at least be secured. It is unsafe the way it stands. Can someone put a few boards over the missing doors?

    Is it really going to take 4 more months to figure this out? It's been a year since, according to the report, that the property owners, the Johns, were told what to do. The homeowners were never told to "remove" the homes. They were assured and told over and over that Kevin Metcalfe's company would take care of the removal of the homes. It is also what the Johns had been told to believe.

    I'm not blaming anyone, I'm just concerned. We tried to get full disclosure and do our part as homeowners.

  6. Trashing the trailer folks?
    Does Monona need an ordinance to protect folks from the shuffle that was dealt to the trailer dwellers in Hickory Lanes? What happened there was shameful...the trash was not those who lived there, but those who played with their lives for money!
    Now we're all paying for bad policies of the past.
    An apology is owed to those caught in the middle of that mess.

  7. Tanya,

    The reason for it taking 4 months (or longer) is set forth in PDF file, but basically is to allow the proper notices and due process. The city could have started this process earlier, but didn't.

    I think the statements with reagrd to Kevin Metcalfe's company doing the clean up assumed he would acquire the property for redevelopment. That never occurred, so the city is doing it.

  8. speaking of cleaning and mowing...any chance we can notify the owners of the lot behind Ken's to mow or hire a local farmer to bale it.

  9. After reading the report from the
    city, its nice to know that the government there is consistent..

    They haven't got the facts right on that piece either.

    70 homes??????? try under 50 for
    one mistake.

    "Your doing a great job Brownie"
    G.W. Bush
