Ha! Mets fall with Glavine on the mound - he was actually done by the fifth inning. Back to NY with Carpenter in Game Six, I like the Birds' chances.
Best moment tonight was when the old pro pitching coach Dave Duncan turned to LaRussa and cracked a quick smile when his son Chris hit the HR that made the lead 4-2.
Not to get too sappy, but it's a little different deal being a Cardinals fan. Three times in the last week I was walking around town wearing my various Caridnal regalia and had a fellow RedBird fan approach me with a comment. 'Are those Cardinals going to win tonight?' One guy stopped me because he really liked my 1934 memorabilia jacket. The thing that makes this attention kind of unusual is that I live in Wisconsin some 350 miles from St. Louis.

And I haven't even cracked out my authentic Scott Rolen jersey yet!
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