Monday, October 31, 2011

Energ!ze Monona: Buildings: Achieving Maximum Efficiency

It's your money: how can Monona save $?

Efficient buildings save the city on energy costs, lowering our tax bills and lessening the harms of wasteful energy use. Please join us for this, the third of six Energ!ze Monona forums, and learn, share, and save!

Buildings: Achieving Maximum Efficiency.
Designer Christi Weber, LEED AP, Design Coalition; and Janine Glaeser, Projects Coordinator and GIS & IT Specialist, City of Monona.

This forum will look at what is being done and what can be done to increase the energy efficiency of existing buildings, and to make new development and housing more efficient from the start. What directions look most promising for the future? What kinds of zoning or building codes would promote building more energy-efficient buildings and homes?

Wednesday evening, November 2, 6:30 - 8:00
Monona Community Center, Main Hall, 1011 Nichols Road

Refreshments will be served.

Please join the City of Monona, the members of the city's Sustainability Committee, and The Natural Step Monona for this forum. Through February, The Natural Step Monona facilitates a forum around energy: a 20- to 40-minute presentation followed by group discussion of Monona's challenges and opportunities and the key actions to consider for moving our city toward ever less reliance on fossil fuels.

Energ!ze Monona forums are part of the City of Monona's outreach efforts around the "25×25 Plan," a blueprint for generating 25 percent of the energy the city uses from renewable resources by 2025. This plan came from Monona's participation in the state Office of Energy Independence's Energy Independent Communities program.


  1. Doug,

    Are you ever coming back to your blog?

  2. Good question. Don't know. I'm not trying to be mysterious, I'm not dying, I'm not leaving Monona, and I'm not quitting the city council. I have too many other things going on, something had to give and blogging was trhe easiest to give up, at least temporarily.

