Friday, September 17, 2010

Monona Public Library on Kathleen Dunn

While driving Up North on Monday (September 13) I tuned into Kathleen Dunn's excellent show on Wisconsin Public Radio and caught a program about libraries. One of the guests was 'Eric'....hey, wait a minute, that's not Eric, that's Erick as in Erick Plumb, Interim Director of our very own best library in the entire cheese-eating state of Wisconsin. You can listen to the show here.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mr Wood, We live near Frostwoods Park and would like to remain anonymous at this time. Can you help in this instance. A medium sized cat, black or mostly black with no tags or collar came up and bit my wife in the leg while she was hanging out laundry. This was in the Bridge Road and Owen Drive area. She is now facing the rabies shot regimen if the cat is not found. I was hoping your Blog would alert neighbors. Please encourage people to contact the Monona Police Department with any information.
    Thanks for your help.

    Monona resident
