Sunday, October 04, 2009

Minnesota - Three-time losers?

Will Minnesota sports fans be three-time losers in three days? Even not counting just living in Minnesota, they may be in for a rough patch. Yesterday, the Badgers cut the Gophers down to size for the sixth straight time and kept Paul Bunyan's Axe. More on that in a moment.

Today, the Twins may finally be eliminated from the baseball playoffs. I actually like the Twinks; for one thing, Joe Mauer is one the best-hitting catchers in the history of the game. It's their trash-bag stadium I can't stand. They are moving to new digs next year. Yes, I still hold a grudge over the Twins beating the Cardinals in 1987. Of course, I also hold a grudge against Don Denkinger from the 1985 World Series. Go Tigers.

And of course, there's the game Monday night between Ted Thompson and Brett Favre, err, the Packers and Vikings. And no, it is not The Game with capital letters. The Badger game was more important in the short- and long-term because the Badgers football program seemed to be on the dge of a precipice before the season and Minnesota seemed poised to take advantage what with their fancy new stadium and all. Obviously, the Twins trying to make the playoffs on the last day of the season is a bigger deal than an NFL game in Week 4.


As promised: Isn't Paul Bunyan's Axe way too small for Paul Bunyan?

Is it possible to actually the Twins game without buying an extra TV package? Baseball is either stupid or brilliantly evil by making viewers pony up money (on top of their cable or sattelite bills) to watch their product.

What was Mike Lucas thinking when he wrote this sentence stating that playing football games 'on the road' leads to more momentum swings. Uhh, Mike aren't all games a road game for one of the teams?


  1. "Twinks," eh?!

    Is this something you really want to be share with the public?

  2. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Before you get your, uh, undies in a bundle, check out Wikipedia:

    'Twink' is a commonly used and accepted term referring to the Minnesota Twins baseball team.

    If you do your own googling, I suggest that you also use "Minnesota Twins baseball" as search terms!

  3. Well, one out of three ain't good. But I still say the Badgers win was more important than the Packers loss.
