Thursday, August 21, 2008

Not So Sunny

In her column in this week's Herald-Independent, Sunny Schubert takes alder Chad Speight and I to task for supporting Monona Express bus service.

The column is almost everything we have come to expect from Sunny: snarky and sarcastic - and funny. (Note: the original post referred to Sunny as 'snide', which was unfair. I got carried away with alliteration.) Where she falls short is in her math and that undercuts the entire point of her column. Like Jethro Bodine, she was tripped up by "cipherin' and goes-intos".

Sunny's basic premise is that the Monona Express costs too much and asserts that we could pay for cabs at the same cost. She uses Chad's figures of 25 riders per day, multiplies by two to get 50 rides per day and then multiplies by 50 weeks to get 2500 riders per year. Her calculation would be accurate if people only had to go to work and back once a week. Oops. Most people have to work five days per week. Maybe she thinks people go to work on Monday and stay there until Friday. Sunny understates the ridership about five-fold. The correct total, using Chad's numbers, would be about 12,500 rides per year.

In fairness, Chad's revenue numbers were too low. The 2008 city budget anticipates $22,500 in revenue from passenger fares for Monona Express, not $16,000 (most riders take advantage of reduced fares by buying 20-ticket packs).

Sunny poo-poos the notion that mass transit imposes social costs that are much lower than personal cars, but facts is facts. Mass transit produces less pollution per passenger mile than personal cars. Mass transit is much safer. Safety saves money - and lives. Bus mass transit is about 8 times safer than driving a car (And commuter rail is even safer!).

Cars require impervious surfaces for parking and roadways, which hurts water quality. This space is not free. We pay for it most obviously in taxes, but also in the cost of goods and services. This use of space is inefficient because they are not used most of the time.

I do agree that the number of riders is too low and the Transit Committee is looking at ways to increase ridership. I think we could get a big boost by slightly extending our routes to the UW hospital as well as Meriter and St. Mary's. Those are three very large employers located just off of the current route.

I drive. I like to drive. I'd also like to have the option to not drive. I'd like to be able to take a bus or a train. Have no fear, the personal car is not going the way of the Dodo bird. But we need more transit, not less.


I really like Sunny and she deserves big kudos for her work for the Monona Swim and Dive Club (Monona Swim and Dive Club, swim team, Monona/Madison area ...), but sometimes I suspect her nickname is ironical. Cloudy Schubert?

A mutual friend of ours describes Monona politics with a colorful metaphor: each side uses a large catapult to fling hefty bags of poop at the other side. (Did our friend get this idea here?: Giant 'chicken droppings catapult' set up by businessman to protect premises from arsonists)

Sunny is kind enough to direct her readers over here to the blog.

Here's a link to her column.

Monona Express not worth the costs

And just how does alder Bob miss out on all the fun? Hmmm?


  1. actually, I said "burning bags of cr**" The flaming piece is an important part of the mental image. and no, I've never seen that article but thanks for sharing! (I'm gonna go put my flack jacket on now. . . by the time the smoke clears on this issue, there will be casualties)

  2. Ohhh, pshhaw. Things have been a little dead lately anyway.

    And you're right the 'flaming' part does add a certain something.

    I am leaving town for a day or so, folks, so don't have a stroke if your comments doesn't get published right away.

  3. Wow-I do not know where to start.

    A. "we have come to expect from Sunny: snide, snarky, and sarcastic - and funny"
    I do not see Sunny in this fashion. Frankly, I see more you in this statement then her.

    B. "Have no fear, the personal car is not going the way of the Dodo bird. But we need more transit, not less."

    So-we are suppose to subdize something at greater levels then current AND you are not willing to ride the bus? I am not sure where you work, but I bet it is downtown.

    C "mutual friend of ours describes Monona politics with a colorful metaphor: each side uses a large catapult to fling hefty bags of poop at the other side."

    And what are you doing with this post about Sunny? It appears this is the pot calling the kettle black. I have seen you do this typ e of thing around a number of issues.

    Finally, at the end of the day-we have situation where the city is Subdizing something for a very small group of people....

    Perhaps, we could have a community bike program?

    By my figuring we could buy about 200 bikes.

  4. Comment: "A. "we have come to expect from Sunny: snide, snarky, and sarcastic - and funny"
    I do not see Sunny in this fashion. Frankly, I see more you in this statement then her."

    Ok, 'snide' may be inaccurate, but snarky and sarcastic? Sure she is and, yes, me too.

  5. Comment: "you are not willing to ride the bus? I am not sure where you work, but I bet it is downtown."

    You have no clue. Well, let's not let the lack 'o facts get in the way. In fact, when I worked downtown many years ago, I did ride the bus sometimes. I had small kids at the time, so it was a challenge that a Community Car would help solve.

    I work for the state RR Commissioner at 610 N. Whitney Way. I suppose I could ride the Monona bus to the square, switch to Metro, pay their full fare, and ride for another 20 plus minutes. I'm not doing that.

  6. Comment: " C "mutual friend of ours describes Monona politics with a colorful metaphor: each side uses a large catapult to fling hefty bags of poop at the other side."

    And what are you doing with this post about Sunny?"

    Answer: Engaging in one of Monona's finer traditions?

    Am I supposed to be a passive punching bag? I also meant to be funny (a wiseguy, but funny) and knowing Sunny, I hope she saw that.

  7. Comment: "Perhaps, we could have a community bike program?"

    That's not a bad idea, but it probably won't happen.

  8. Dear Doug P. Kettle,

    Answer: Engaging in one of Monona's finer traditions?

    So let me get this perfectly straight-you want to complain about the type of discourse we have this community, do nothing to improve it and participate in the odd behavior you do not like.

    By your own account people like to throw poop at each other AND YOU DON"T LIKE THAT (fair enough)....AND YOU engage in the activity.......

    two wrongs don't make it....right

    if the only tool you own is hammer everything looks like a nail.

    Henny Penny

  9. Dear Henny Penny,

    Take some vitamins. You are irony-deprived.

  10. Good heavens. I think Doug and Sunny are just being, well, Doug and Sunny. I know them both, and there are things upon which they would agree and those they will never. but, they are both the types who can dish it out as well as take it and when it's done, i suspect they would have fun over a beer together. why? because they do not take themselves too seriously. that's why I enjoy them both. the problem as I meant to portray it, is people who get so friggin' mean and personal about stuff and who are utterly incapable of shifting alliances depending upon the issue at hand. in a healthy political atmosphere, it is ok to be foes on one issue and allies on the next. but I dont' see that much in Monona and it is to our detriment.

  11. Alderman Kettle,

    I am not irony dep...

    I am pointing out the irony in your comments.

    Henny Penny
