Thursday, October 12, 2006

What the Hellooo Monona?

So can anyone tell me what exactly is the purpose of the Hello Monona column? Because I heard the purpose is to spread a lot of half-truths and rumors. Well, that's what a lot of people tell me around town, you know....everyone is saying it....

Excuse the sarcasm, but really. Hello Monona: your one-stop source for a regrettable stew of wild rumors, innunendo, misinformation, self-righteous indignation, and plain old hot air!

Maybe the newspaper should hire a Fact-Checker to follow along behind Hello Monona like the guy with the broom at the end of the parade and sweep away the groundless rumors and clear up the misinformation and other unpleasant droppings. This week's column was a real doozy even by Hello Monona's standards and would have kept a squad of such workers busy for a fortnight.


  1. Her claim to fame is that her husband the plumber was the mayor. Other than that, I don't know who or what gives her the standing she seems to have in Monona.
    She is just plain mean and she can't write which is a very bad combination, but my friends and I always have a good time reading her column out loud and laughing at how ridculous she is. Apparently she fits with the paper's aspiration to mediocrity. Surely there are some local people who actually know how to write and would be funny. What about Sunny Schubert? I hear she is retired from the State Journal.

  2. I'm very disappointed with the Herald-Independent. Doesn't feel much like a local paper at times, contains a lot of canned stuff, week-old county board meeting reports on the front page or that suck up tons of column inches.

    The lack of local ownership has certainly led to decreased value, in my mind.
