Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Clinton to Blame For - Well, Everything!

It seems like just yesterday that Bill Clinton was in the White House....wait a minute! no, it doesn't! Clinton, unfortunately, has been out of the White House for six years, but you wouldn't know it from listening to the right wing world. North Korea sets off a nuclear bomb - Clinton's to blame, of course. Clinton had a policy of engagement toward North Korea and it was working (as wellas anything can work when dealing with a freakish dictator like Kim Jung Il). Bush stopped that talking - two years ago Bush literally said having a dialogue would not work. Even the old Reagan hand James Baker recently acknowledged that you have to atlk to your enemies. I mean, who needs diplomats if you only talk to your friends?

Keith Olbermann had a great segment with a thoughtful interview with Clinton's special ambassador for North Korea, Wendy Sherman. Here is a link to the web page for Countdown, Olbermann's show on MSNBC Tv (Channel 64 on Chartere at 7 pm). Click "Bush and the Axis of Evil" to see the video.


  1. I was really disappointed by McCain blaming Clinton. Regardless of what Clinton did or didn't do, does he really think americans are stupid enough to realize Bush has been in charge of diplomacy with North Korea for the last 6 years?

  2. er...stupid enough NOT to realize
