Monday, September 08, 2008

Eat Pie, Make Art

Reminder: Eat pie

Saturday, September 13th, 2008
Time: 1 pm. to 5 p.m.
Location: Winnequah School, 800 Greenway Road

Contact: Sean Jindrich 256-0993
Contact Email:

Kerouac did.

"I went to sit in the bus station and think this over. I ate another apple pie and ice cream; that's practically all I ate all the way across the country, I knew it was nutritious and it was delicious, of course."—Jack Kerouac, "On The Road."

Even my pie will be better than Mark Twain's recipe:

"Construct a bullet-proof dough. Toughen it and kiln-dry it a couple of days. Fill with stewed dried apple; aggravate with cloves, lemon peel and slabs of citron; add two portions of New Orleans sugar. then solder on the lid and set it in a safe place until it petrifies. Serve cold at breakfast and invite your enemy."

—Mark Twain, "A Tramp Abroad."

See my earlier post: Eat Pie, Help Winnequah School


  1. I heard from the someone who heard from someone else that you are going to use berries (type unknown) from the grocery store

    Fact or FICTION?

    Say it ain't say joe!

  2. I find myself nonplussed. Was this the same person that said I work downtown? Do these people just make this stuff up? Yes, they do make it up, but why? Who cares? I don't even care.

    Get a life, even if you have to borrow one with no downpayment!

    I'm not making a berry pie, although it would be 'berry, berry good'.

    And anyway, what exactly is wrong with berries from a grocery store?

  3. still not talking about your-huh..

    I am guessing that you are baking right now.

    Chickens get up very early-and mine was done by 9:30.

    I think it is a winner.
    Henny Penny

  4. Oh, sour pie will be getting stale by the time people eat it, ehh?


    Mine is "Uber Liberal Southern Peach Pie."

  5. We've decided that you were the one behind the pie baked by "Karl Rove" that was called "The Sarah Palin Pie to Nowhere"

  6. I wish I had; it was brilliant.
